Funding UW-Madison’s Wisconsin Singers
One Show At A Time

The Friends of the Wisconsin Singers (FoWS) exists to support the mission of the Wisconsin Singers program by raising dollars to fund the Wisconsin Singers budget beyond concert income. In addition, FoWS exists to provide meaningful Alumni connections to the program and to each other.
Why Wisconsin Singers?
Wisconsin Singers is entirely self-funded by donations and concert income. Featuring the top singers, dancers, and instrumentalists from across the UW campus, Wisconsin Singers produces a Broadway-caliber pop music revue that takes the stage in more than 30 different communities each year. Students volunteer hundreds of hours to rehearsing, performing, and conducting free workshops for more than 1,000 grade 6-12 musicians each year, all while maintaining full time academic course loads.
Your support is our pathway to provide exceptional educational and entertainment opportunities to the students themselves, the state, and the nation.
How Can I Help?
This year's show was supported in part by a grant from the Wisconsin Arts Board with funds from the State of Wisconsin and the National Endowment for the Arts.